Introducing Kodo Exchange: The Native Liquidity Ensemble of Taiko

Kodo Exchange
3 min readApr 17, 2024


In the evolving landscape of decentralized finance (DeFi), the quest for scalability, efficiency, and user-centric solutions remains paramount. As Ethereum continues to be the bedrock for the majority of DeFi activity, its limitations in terms of scalability and cost efficiency have led to the rise of Layer 2 solutions. Among these, Taiko emerges as a notable platform, distinguishing itself through unique features and capabilities. It is on this promising new Layer 2 network that Kodo finds its foundation, aspiring to be a cornerstone in Taiko’s burgeoning ecosystem.

Why Taiko

Taiko is not just another addition to the plethora of existing Layer 2 solutions. It fundamentally differs in its approach by leveraging the strengths of Ethereum while significantly reducing transaction costs and enhancing throughput. Unlike other Layer 2 networks that often compromise on security or decentralization, Taiko maintains a robust alignment with Ethereum’s security model. This commitment to security, combined with a developer-friendly environment, sets Taiko apart as an attractive platform for DeFi projects and users seeking efficient, secure, and affordable blockchain interactions.

Our choice of Taiko over other Layer 2 solutions was influenced by its unique architecture and the vibrant ecosystem it nurtures. Taiko’s design prioritizes minimal changes from Ethereum, ensuring that developers can seamlessly transition without needing to adapt to an entirely new environment. This ease of integration, paired with enhanced security, lower gas fees and improved transaction speeds, presents a fertile ground for developing advanced DeFi applications like Kodo Exchange.

Inspired by Tradition, Built for the Future

Inspired by the powerful, resonant beats of a Japanese Taiko drum, Kodo Exchange aims to be the rhythmic force driving liquidity in the Taiko ecosystem. Just as a drumbeat brings harmony and unity, Kodo intends to unify various elements of the DeFi landscape through a robust, community-driven exchange platform.

Kodo is a decentralized exchange (DEX) architecturally inspired from Velodrome on Optimism, reconfigured and optimized for the Taiko network. Our platform embraces the ve(3,3) model, popularized by platforms like Curve. This model is pivotal for its ability to balance long-term holder incentives with active governance participation, creating a harmonious ecosystem where stakeholders are rewarded for their commitment and active involvement. By implementing ve(3,3), Kodo facilitates a more stable and engaged community, where token holders are motivated to support the protocol’s growth and stability through prolonged participation.

How Kodo Contributes to Taiko’s DeFi Ecosystem

Kodo’s integration into the Taiko ecosystem is designed to provide several key benefits:

  • Enhanced Liquidity: By introducing stable and volatile liquidity pools, Kodo ensures a rich and flexible liquidity environment, catering to a wide array of trading strategies and needs.
  • Community Governance: Adopting a community-first approach, Kodo involves all stakeholders in the decision-making process, enhancing transparency and collective ownership.
  • Incentive Alignment: Through the ve(3,3) model, Kodo aligns user incentives with ecosystem health, promoting long-term engagement and sustainability.

Roadmap and Future Aspirations

As we launch Kodo v1 concurrently with Taiko’s mainnet, our immediate focus is on establishing a robust foundation with essential functionalities such as stable and volatile pools, veNFT, gauge voting, and bribes. Looking ahead, we are committed to expanding our features over the next year, including:

  • Yield Optimization: Implementing veKODO Relay in the first six months to maximize returns.
  • Advanced Governance: Introducing DAO voting for Kodo and Drum Guild governance in the second half of the year.
  • Diversified Liquidity Options: Rolling out concentrated liquidity and multi-token pools to optimize capital efficiency.

In collaboration with Taiko, Kodo is poised to explore cutting-edge solutions like Booster Rollups, ensuring we stay at the forefront of blockchain innovation.

Join Us on Our Journey

As we beat our drum on Taiko, we invite the community, developers, and enthusiasts to join us in shaping the future of DeFi. Together, we can create a symphony of liquidity, governance, and innovation. Let’s make the decentralized world not just a possibility, but a practical, efficient, and vibrant reality.

Kodo Exchange is not just a platform; it’s a movement. Welcome to the rhythm of DeFi evolution.

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